Reflection on Process- 1 week to go

Tuesday 10th May 2016

It is over a week until our Blog due date and our Performance. Here is my process update:


Good things
-I've got all the pages included that I have to talk about.
-All my research has been completed.
-I've embedded my points with PEE paragraphs.

Bad things
- I haven't finished all the pages with a high standard of work.
- I haven't yet made my pages presentable, though it is difficult on this blog, but I will try and make it look like the theme of the play; Fantasy
- I still have to write more on my points with a full explanation.

How can I improve it?
I could improve the bad things by making a plan of what I will complete each day. This will give me an organised work plan throughout the week and get my written work done in a faster pace.


Good things
- I have made my decisions on how to move and talk with my character.
- I decided how I react to specific characters e.g. with Lust/Sadness, I'm annoyed that he isn't doing his job properly.
- I know all my lines and queues

Bad things
- Though I know my lines, when I am rehearsing I am finding it difficult to do the actions and movements and my speech at the same the time. Because of this, it gives me a weak performance.
- I'm not pronouncing my 'S's' in my sentences. I need to do this so it shows more of my snake character

How can I improve it?
I could improve the bad things by rehearsing being a snake (pronouncing the S's and doing the actions) at home as well as just at college. This would get me into more of the mind set of being a snake.

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